StepheniE MeyeRStephenie Meyer was born in December 24th 1973 in Hartford, Connecticut, to Stephen and Candy. She grew up with her five siblings Seth, Emily, Jacob, Paul, and Heidi in Phoenix. Her high school was Chaparral High School in Scottsdale. Stephenie Graduated from Brigham Young University in Provo. She has a degree in English Literature.
Now she lives in Arizona with her husband Pancho and her three sons Gabe, Seth, and Eli.
Her Vampire romance series Twilight novel have won multiple literary awards and sold over 85 million copies. Also it’s translate in to 37 different languages. She was the biggest selling Author of the year 2008 having sold over 29 million books of Twilight. Also twilight being the best selling book of the year.
StarT of TwilighT
The idea for twilight occurred Stephine Meyer by her own dream. This is how she describe it.
In her dream two people were having an intense conversation in a meadow in the woods. One of these people was just your average girl. The other person was fantastically beautiful, sparkly and a Vampire. They were discussing the difficulties inherent in the facts. They were falling in love with each other. The vampire was particularly attracted to the scent of her blood. And was having a difficult time restraining him self killing her immediately.
Then in the morning Stephine stayed in the bed thinking about the dream. She was so intrigued by the nameless couple’s story that she hated the idea of forgetting it. The vampire was just so darned good looking. That she didn’t want to lose the mental image. She sat down at the computer to write. So she typed out as much as she could remember. Calling the characters “He” and “She”
It take her a while to find names for her anonymous duo. Some ideas that led her to the name “Edward”. Now the problem with the female character. She gave her The name that she was saving for her daughter who had never shown up”Isabella “. That’s how the world’s best novel twilight saga starts.
Stephenie’s that dream make her fans heart up side down. And the whole writing history. She is an enchanted author who take us all to the world full of love, myth, and magic.

Because of her mother’s happy Isabella
Swan now exiled herself to Forks. To live with her father Charlie Swan(chief of forks police). Her parents were little confused by her decision. Because her distaste of Forks is not a secrete. She got a chevy from her dad as a home coming present. In Forks high school she meets some strange good looking five persons according to her new friend Jessica she discover that they are a the foster kids of Dr. Cullen and her wife(Esme). Two of them Named Rosalie and Jasper Hale. Relative of Mrs. Cullen. And the other three is foster kid Edward, Emmett and Alice. On her trip to La Push beach she met her childhood friend Jacob Black. He tells Bella about legend of his tribe and about Cullen (the vampires). When ever Bella's in trouble Edward was always there for her. The mind reader Edward cant read Bella's thought. They fall in love with each other. Like lions fall in love with lamb. And one one day she went to Edward’s home to visit his family then she got invite to watch their baseball game. There she found her self again in danger facing to Vampire Victoria, James and
Laurent. The tracker James start to track Bella.Edward and his family able to kill James and save Bella from her death. Bella start to ask Edward to change her like him but Edward’s to much care for her soul so he reject her request.
NeW MooN

The immortal Cullen family arrange a party for Bella’s 18
th birthday. But Bella was so worrying about her aging, because she is one year older than her vampire boyfriend Edward. Bella got her self a paper cut by opening her presents, a one little drop of blood came out of her skin. So Jasper try to kill her because the scent of her blood. This incident start to bother Edward. So he decided to leave Bella. After Edward’s apart Bella start to live like a lifeless. She started to scream at night in her sleep. Bella find out that she can hear Edward’s voice when she is doing something reckless. So she starts to fallow rush. Bella start to hang out with her childhood friend Jacob. He makes her fell better. Then Jacob starts to avoid Bella,
so Bella once again find her self in lonely.
One day she went to the Meadow there she meets James Coven member Laurent.
He tells Bella that James mate Victoria is trying to kill her. But Laurent was so thirsty at that time so he decided to kill her but suddenly… there was huge wolfs tracking down Laurent. She find outs that her friend Jacob is avoiding her because he is a Werewolf. Another day Bella jump off a cliff to hear Edward’s voice but Jacob able to save her from the current of see. And bring her alive.the fortune teller Edward’s sister Alice saw that Bella jump of a cliff and she starts to think that Bella is dead. So she came to forks to help Charlie to help Bella's funeral. As soon as she get into Bella’s home she knew that Bella is a live. But Edward thinks that Bella is dead so he decided to go Volturi. So Alice sees a vision of Edward she dragged Bella to Italy. When they found Edward and every thing was clear, once again they found there selves is danger. The Volturi. They promise to Volturi to change Bella and they escaped from there with Edward.
Edward explained Bella that he leave her because of her safety. On the vote from Cullen's for her immortality Carlisle promise Bella that he will change her his self. But Bella ask Edward to change her, but Edward ask her to meet one Condition he ask her to marry him.

Jacob doesn't like Bella’s company any more. Because she forgive Cullen's what they did to her(you know that Werewolf and vampires are common enemy). Bella's dad Charlie also start to show his dislike to Edward Cullen. In the mean time Seattle start to make run of Murder Capital of the Country. Edward remind Bella that her birthday gift from Carlilse and Esme (the airplane tickets) is near to expire. So they make plan to go and visit Bella’s mom Renee after their trip to Jacksonville Jacob show in their School. Jacob describe Bella about Victoria's arrive and how Edward distract her from taking her to Jacksonville. Once when Edward went to hunt He asked Alice to babysit Bella till he arrives. That night Rosalie ask Bella to talk with her. Rosalie start to tell Bella how she face nearly death experience from her fiance when Bella’s back at home she understand some of her things is missing. And Edward believes that it is vampire who took Bella's things. Edward decided to take care of Bella with Jacob. According to Jasper it’s a army of vampires in Seattle. Bella’s another trip on La Push Jacob try to convince her to love him. Also he starts to kiss Bella without her permission, Bella was so angry about that so she hit Jacob on the face but it gave no harm to Jacob except broken hand of Bella. This make so upset Edward. In Bella’s Graduation party Alice saw a vision of that new born army is coming with Bella’s missing red blouse. So this make Werewolf and vampires together to protect area. They start to practice with Jasper’s help. They fought with new born army with Werewolf. That was Victoria who creates the army. But Edward killed Victoria and the others took care of the army. After this all Bella accept to marry Edward…..
BreakinG DawN

Bella and Edward becomes Husband and Wife, Edward takes Bella to Isla Esme(a gift from Carlilse to Esme)
for their honeymoon.first night of they are making love Edward gave his new bride bruises so Edward swear not to make love with Bella while she is human. One night Bella woke up from sleep and start to cry, she start to beg him make love with her, so Edward give up and surrender to her request. After few days back Bella start to feel sick. And she understood that she is pregnant. Edward tells Bella that they will remove the fetus from her body. Because he is so worrying about Bella's life. But a help with Rosalie Bella protect her baby. The pack (Werewolf) thinks that Bella
is a danger so they foresee potential danger
from what she is carrying. They feel it’s their duty to remove that danger. So Jacob disbanded from the pack to warn Cullen’s. Leah and Seth also start to fallow Jacob as their Al-pah. One day Edward heard some one thought some one new, first he thought that it is Bella’s thought but after few seconds he figured it out that the thoughts belong to baby. It nearly
killed Bella giving birth to the baby (Rensmee). So Edward turn Bella in to a Vampire, after Bella's change she saw that something different about Jacob when he is around Remsmee, then she figured it out that Jacob has imprinted on her daughter. Rensmee is gifted like her Father she had an interesting twist like Rensmees doing the exact opposite of what Edward do.
The whole foundation of Cullen family start to shake when Voulteri start to chase Rensmee(immortal children s are forbiden). So the Cullen’s start to gather around they are friends to witness that Rensmee is not a immortal child she is half human and half vampire. One of they are friend called Eleazar got a talent he has an instinctive feel fir the gifts of other, so he find out that Bella also got a talent She is a Shield. With a help of Werewolf and their friends the Cullen's success to save Rensmee from Volturi.
wowwww nice.every thing is perfect but there's some grammer mistakes carefull about them.wish you luck
ReplyDeletewow that's good..very nice....i love TwilighT
ReplyDeleteI am not much of a fan but i love reading and the thought that some books reach the big screen. i am more of a music lover that's why i write about music in my blog. hope you find time to visit it too, it's breaking dawn soundtrack.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely, I will watch the movie. Hope it is getting better.